Tired woman

Motivation or Aggravation? The Results Are In!

Well the results are in… and drumroll please… Turns out that the majority of pollsters, a whopping 80%, agreed that working out made them feel great and supplied them with […] Read more »
Flat abs

Tips for a Flatter Belly

We have all seen them, and we all want them. But how many crunches must one do to get them? You may have already heard this but you don’t have […] Read more »
Gossip girls

The Zumba Experiment

A few days ago I said that one of my goals this month was to try new classes in an attempt to make the month of Get Your Rear in Gear […] Read more »
Unmotivated fitness

A Poll: Does Fitness Enhance Your Mood?

So I’m curious and despite the fact that curiosity killed the cat, I’m pretty sure this has all the makings of a harmless curiosity. The only thing that will hurt […] Read more »
Girl doing Pilates

How’s Your ‘Get Your Rear in Gear’ Month Going?

So we’re halfway through the month of Get Your Rear in Gear (aka May), and I’m curious if anyone has started getting their rear in gear! Any stories to share, comments […] Read more »
Tired monkey

How to Find Motivation When There is None to be Found?

Motivation: you either got it or you don’t. And when you got it, there’s no stopping you. Fitting into a dress, going on vacation, running a 10k; these are all […] Read more »
Girl on bicycle

Why Can’t It Be, ‘American Women Don’t Get Fat’?

I’m reading French Women Don’t Get Fat. Honestly, I never thought I would. Call it pride (or embarrassment), but I always felt a pang of something deep inside when picking […] Read more »

Stretching: We Know We Should, But Do We?

There always seems to be this hazy little cloud surrounding the word stretching. Is it really necessary? Does your body benefit from it? When are you supposed to do it, […] Read more »

Totally Scary Stat… Are You Standing for This?

Don’t sit down! According to a recent study, too much sitting can kill you. Um… say again? But this is the computer age. Don’t we all sit for hours, butts […] Read more »
Vintage kitchen

Healthy Tuna Salad… Hold the Mayo!

If I’m ordering non-fat tuna fish salad on whole wheat bread, I’m clearly making a good choice right? Or, am I falling head first into the dark abyss of damage-control […] Read more »