The Village of Irvington will ask residents to vote on borrowing up to $18.2 million for a new municipal complex on Main Street. The November 7 referendum proposes a new municipal complex at 90 Main Street combining Village operations, the Justice Court and the Fire Department, plus improvements to the Irvington Theater, Police headquarters and recreation program space.
“Our Village employees currently work in a historic building that was primarily designed as a theater and library. We need a new building that can provide ADA accessibility and accommodate the offices of a 21st-century municipality,” said Village Administrator Larry Schopfer. “The proposed municipal complex satisfies our current and future space needs; creates safer working conditions for our volunteer firefighters; and creates a much-needed Main Street presence for the Irvington Theater.”
The bond vote is the culmination of more than 10 years of review and studies by the current and past Village Boards. In 2012, Village officials hired architects to study the fire department’s space requirements. After years of searching for alternate firehouse locations, the Village acquired property next to the firehouse for an expansion.
Open house-style information sessions about the referendum will be held in Village Hall on October 14 from 1 to 2:30 p.m. and October 18 from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Based on the average Irvington home’s assessed value of $1,200,000, the municipal complex project will add $690 to an annual tax bill over the life of the bond.
A new municipal complex across from the existing Village Hall would consolidate many Village departments and provide ADA accessibility. The complex will also allow for critical security upgrades in the Village’s courtroom, improved judges’ chambers, and necessary attorney/client meeting rooms.
The Recreation Department currently operates in a decaying building prone to flooding. All programs would move to the existing Village Hall and the current recreation building would become surplus.
The Police Department lacks appropriate locker rooms, a secure evidence room, and office space.
The greatest safety concerns are in the firehouse, whose bays are too small. A fire engine in the 1960s occupied 279 square feet of space. Today’s fire engines occupy 712 square feet, more than 2 ½ times larger. A firefighter in gear can barely pass through the bay, creating a dangerous and potentially deadly situation.
The project will improve access to the Irvington Theater by creating a Main Street entrance along with ADA accessible restrooms, lobby, box office, and concession space. In addition, the Village secured a state grant that will fund the installation of a new air conditioning system in the theater.
For more information about the project and bond vote, please visit www.irvingtonbondvote.com