Push Ups: What Good Are They Anyway?

They be good. They be oh so good. Granted, not while you’re performing them, but at some point thereafter you’re glad you did them. Let me tell you why this somewhat medieval... Read more »

Dispelling Myths and Adding Weights!

  To this day Seinfeld is still one of my favorite shows. I watch it whenever I can (TBS has it on twice a night… yea!) and despite knowing every single show... Read more »

So What’s A Little Sleep Deprivation Got to Do With It?

A lot apparently. That’s exactly what’s going on here and boy oh boy does THAT mess you up! I just read an article on sleep deprivation in the IDEA Fitness Journal and was... Read more »
Back to school

Just When You Think You’re Pretty Smart

Boy oh boy… am I an idiot! This was my first thought last Thursday morning after listening to Paul Chek for say about uuummm… three minutes. My second thought was “Is it... Read more »
Times Square

Tomorrow is Paul Chek Day!

Tomorrow I’m heading into the city and I’m so excited!! Not only because I thoroughly enjoy being in the city since it’s not so often I make it in anymore (although I’ll... Read more »

Really? We’re Still Doing JUST the Cardio Thing?

Last night I was taking a late evening stroll with the little one since he was crabby as all heck and I figured a little crisp air might help him relax (which... Read more »

Time to ‘Fess Up… Mountain Climbers Stink!

Alright, honesty time. I can’t stand doing mountain climbers into a 1 min plank. Can’t. Stand. It. (Which is probably why I haven’t been doing them.) Ugh… there, I’ve said it. Judge... Read more »

Bad Habit Be Gone!

Did you know that when you finally decide to quit that bad habit (let’s call it your BH) that’s been on your “I need to quit this BH” list, that numerous studies show... Read more »

From Meditation to Mountain Climbers!

Day 1 of February. Month 2 of the year. Number 2 on my list of 12 new things to do in the year 2012: 50 mountain climbers into a one min plank... Read more »

My Twitterings on Twitter

In an effort to gain more (any) notoriety for a fitness/yoga class I co-teach (along with Sarah Rubin, a wonderful yoga instructor and who I like to personally think of as my... Read more »