To the editor:
In such an uncertain time due to the coronavirus, it is important this primary season to vote for candidates who will prioritize our basic needs like clean air, clean water and a habitable planet. And even with such a wide field to replace Nita Lowey in congress, there is only one person that truly fits the bill. His name is Mondaire Jones.
Mondaire is someone who will stand up to special interests, fight the build out of dirty fossil fuel infrastructure and make sure the health and well-being of residents comes before private profits. He has listened to constituents throughout the district, met and rallied with climate strikers and firsthand understands the need for real change in Washington DC.
This June 23, voters have the ability to pick a real leader who will help tackle the climate crisis, address structural inequalities in our education and healthcare systems and protect our democracy.
That leader isn’t the former IDC member who sold his values to caucus with the Republican party or the entrenched assemblyman who simply plays business as usual politics. It’s certainly not the candidate who broke her pledge to take no fossil fuel money nor the one who is from the billionaire class.
There is a real opportunity to vote for the one true bold progressive candidate who can win this race. For the sake of the district, the state and the entire nation, I hope voters seize that opportunity and pass the baton to the fighter, the lawyer and activist–Mondaire Jones.
Santosh Nandabalan
(he, him, his)
New York Organizer
Food & Water Action
Fight like you live here.
Like taking clean energy Indian Point offline and opening a fossil fuel burning natural gas power plant at Cricket Valley. This also gutted $33 million a year in tax revenue from the Cortlandt school district. Yeah, that makes sense. Total hypocrisy.
We really need a representative that supports Trump and the economy, not these far left wackos.