To the Editor,

In these turbulent times, when trust in government is at an all-time low, and the independence of our justice system is under attack, we need a leader like Mimi Rocah as our county’s top law enforcement official. I should know, she was my boss in the U.S. Attorney’s Office.
Mimi oversaw the public corruption cases I and my colleagues prosecuted. Charging a political leader with crimes is one of the most difficult things a prosecutor can do. It requires convincing friends and neighbors that the person they voted for, that they supported, was stealing from them. It was only because Mimi was fearless in the pursuit that we were able to hold these leaders accountable.
By voting for Mimi on June 23rd, we vote for the values and experience that are most needed in our District Attorney. Mimi passionately believes that those who hold public office must be held to the highest standard. She has a finely tuned sense of justice, and will not bend to undue influence from politicians, nor flinch at ensuring that our leaders work for us above themselves. These are qualities we need in our elected leaders—now, more than ever.
Douglas Bloom
Sleepy Hollow