Letter to the Editor: Route 9A Modernization Study

Dear Editor,

Roads are an ongoing concern in my district and throughout this region of New York State. I am reaching out with an update regarding the study of Route 9A in the vicinity of Ossining and Briarcliff, undertaken to develop recommendations for long-term plans to improve the functionality, safety and sustainability of this route. The first draft of the Modernization of Briarcliff-Peekskill Parkway Engineering Scoping Study: Executive Summary Report is now available for review. You can access the draft at www.dot.ny.gov/briarcliffpeekskillparkwayreport. The study team is collecting feedback on the draft, which will be used to inform the final report. Comments are due by Friday, February 9. You can send your comments in writing to Sandra Jobson via email at Sandra.Jobson@dot.ny.gov or via regular mail to Ms. Sandra D. Jobson, NYS Department of Transportation, 4 Burnett Boulevard, Poughkeepsie, NY 12603. Please include the project number 810355 with any comments related to this study.

The conclusion of this study is the beginning of the process to substantially improve Route 9A. Your feedback is very important at this stage. However, please also know that you will continue to have opportunities to provide input as we move to the next phase of our work to improve this road.

Next steps for improving this stretch of 9A include advocating for the funding it will take to modernize it, which will be a top priority of mine. I will continue to provide updates to the community regarding this road and so much more via my print newsletter and e-newsletters. If you do not already receive my e-news, you can sign up for it at https://bit.ly/AD95E-News. In the meantime, please do not hesitate to reach out to NYSDOT with your comments and concerns. My office can provide assistance as well.  Please reach out to my Chief of Staff, Victoria Cafarelli, at cafarelliv@nyassembly.gov or 914-941-1111 if you have any further questions.


Dana Levenberg
Member of Assembly, 95th District

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