Letter to the Editor: Budget Season & Town Hall Meetings

Dear Editor, Budget season is in full swing, and I write to give readers of this publication some details on the process so far, as well as to encourage you […] Read more »

Letter to the Editor: Route 9A Modernization Study

Dear Editor, Roads are an ongoing concern in my district and throughout this region of New York State. I am reaching out with an update regarding the study of Route […] Read more »

Letter to the Editor: Flip Your Ballot to Vote on Propositions

Dear Editor, A reminder to all voters: When you go to vote this year, be sure to flip your ballot over and review the constitutional amendment questions on the back. […] Read more »

Letter to the Editor: Internship Opportunity

Dear Editor, I write to invite students from across the district to apply for summer internships in my office. I hope to continue the robust internship program maintained by my […] Read more »

Letter to the Editor: Support the “Fix 9A” Effort

Dear Editor, I recently received word that the New York Metropolitan Transportation Council has added proposals to improve multiple roads in Assembly District 95 to the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). […] Read more »

Letter to the Editor: Dana Levenberg Responds to Road Condition Concerns

[Ed. Note — This letter was submitted to River Journal by Assemblywoman Dana Levenberg in response to THIS letter. Dear Editor, I write to respond to a recent letter regarding […] Read more »

Letter to the Editor: Dana Levenberg Addresses Pot Hole Concerns

To the editor: As a long-time resident of Ossining, I share local concerns about state roads in our area. I also drive on these roads and am committed to ensuring […] Read more »

Letter to the Editor: A Note of Thanks from Dana Levenberg

To the editor: As I move on from my position as Ossining Town Supervisor, I want to take a moment to thank the voters of Ossining for placing their trust […] Read more »

Letter to the Editor: Environmental Bond Act on the Ballot

To the Editor, Election Day is fast approaching, and this year, for the first time in over 25 years, New Yorkers have an Environmental Bond Act on the ballot to […] Read more »

Letter to the Editor: Ossining’s Comprehensive Plan

Dear Editor, Last month, after two-plus years of work, many Steering Committee meetings, public hearings, surveys, and much more, The Town of Ossining adopted our new Comprehensive Plan with Sustainability […] Read more »