Chapman “Chappy” Manzer of Manzer’s Landscape Design & Development, Inc., Luis Segarra and Rohan Defreitas of The Crescent Companies, and Jason Chiaramonte of Joseph F. Nardone Funeral Home are coming together once again to raise money to pay for meals that will be provided to the staffs of the NewYork-Presbyterian Hudson Valley Hospital, Peekskill and Cortlandt fire departments, nursing homes, EMS, DPW, and police departments.

All meals will be purchased from local Peekskill and Cortlandt restaurants.
On Saturday, Dec. 19, from 1-4 p.m., at Hudson Valley Gateway Chamber of Commerce (1 S. Division St. at Park St., Peekskill), hot meals and blankets will be distributed, courtesy of Manzer’s Landscape, and restaurants La Herradura, Whiskey River, Peekskill Brewery, and Gleason’s. The giveaway is co-sponsored by Rotary Club of Peekskill. For more information > 914.739.2020.
This past March, $18,000 was raised to feed local residents. In April, May and June, the joint effort raised $25,000 to feed essential workers. While feeding locals and essential workers, they also are helping local restaurants keep their staffs employed and their doors open.
As the second wave of Coronavirus continues to spread, the three sponsors want to continue feeding the essential workers who are a godsend to us all.
See related 2-minute video from Good For You Productions on the group’s spring 2020 food distribution > A Piece of Good News.