Pocantico Students Go Global

Dia de los Muertos

Students found a bit of a surprise one recent day when they went to lunch. Several parent volunteers had set up a table with a colorful display and food to be shared.

The occasion was in recognition of the Mexican tradition of Dia de los Muertos, or Day of the Dead. Typically celebrated in late October or early November, the holiday is a joyful celebration where families remember loved ones who have passed away.

Traditional celebrations include visits to the gravesites of family members and bringing their favorite foods, using marigolds to mark the occasion, and creating home altars for the departed.


Sand art and a special treat were all part of the recent Diwali celebration at Pocantico Central School. Parent volunteers were there to share with students the special Indian tradition, also known as the Festival of Light. Typically celebrated between mid-October and mid-November, the holiday celebrates light triumphing over darkness and good over evil.




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