From sensory trails to a hike and challenge courses, Irvington Middle School seventh graders recently participated in a variety of activities during a trip to the Fresh Air Fund’s Sharpe Reservation in Fishkill.
The students bonded over the activities that were designed to develop teambuilding, problem-solving, critical thinking and communication skills. On the sensory trails, the students traveled blindfolded along a rope-guided course, focusing on sensory awareness and development. They explored the importance of other senses, such as hearing, smelling and touching, in gathering information about the world around them.
They also participated in problem-solving games and challenge courses designed to develop cooperation and trust. In addition, the seventh graders hiked through Sharpe Reservation with an educator who instructed them on nature, unique characteristics of the landscape and how to navigate through a hiking trail.
Christina Mitchell, a social studies teacher and seventh grade team leader, planned the special experience for the students. The activities aligned with Irvington’s social and emotional learning goals.