Writing tools provide a great variety of services to students. These include but are not limited to grammar checking, drafting, brainstorming, referencing, plagiarism checks, etc. Although such tools simplify academic writing, they should not be perceived as a way of cheating. In fact, writing services can serve as practical educational tools for students, allowing them to build essential writing skills. Engineering assignment help writers know everything about writing services and explain how exactly they can contribute to student’s academic growth.
Pre-Writing and Outlining
Services such as Scrivener help create outlines and divide the papers into coherent and logical paragraphs and sections. Writing services such as this one help students understand the tricks of the pre-writing process and become more skilled in planning their papers. Such writing services are beneficial for students struggling with beginning their papers and finding it hard to structure their ideas comprehensively.
Another great example of the tools in this area includes Simplenote. This service helps organize ideas quickly and effectively so that none of them can slip away from the writer. Services of this kind may help students plan their papers, reflect on the things they want to cover, and choose the focus for their piece of writing. In the long run, services such as Simplenote develop students’ critical thinking and reflexivity.
Learning How to Reference Sources Correctly
Some writing services help students cite resources properly and create correct citations in a selected style. These services include but are not limited to the following:
- BibMe
- Citation Machine
- Citavi
- Citelighter
- EasyBib
- Zotero
- RefDot
- OttoBib
Some may say that using these services is unethical, as students should learn to create citations and references manually. However, there is nothing wrong with relying on such writing services if one lacks skills or simply needs to complete a large paper within a limited timeframe. Referencing services can help students understand how to create citations in different styles and compose bibliographic lists. As a result, they may quickly master the skill of manual referencing.
Grammar and Style
Writing grammatically correct papers is a skill that comes with much practice and effort. Writing services can facilitate the process of learning in this area because they help students identify and correct mistakes. For example, Grammarly highlights errors and offers suggestions for improving the text. It helps writers identify and revise wordy sentences, remove the impolite language, avoid contractions and passive voice, etc. It also explains why revisions are needed, which is crucial for learning. Students memorizing and applying Grammarly suggestions in their following papers can significantly improve their writing skills.
Learning to Avoid Plagiarism
Inexperienced writers often make one grave mistake – they copy and paste someone else’s words without referencing them. Plagiarism checkers such as Copyscape, Grammarly, Turnitin, and others detect plagiarism, allowing students to revise the paper and make it unique. Therefore, plagiarism detection services are a valuable educational tool because they help students avoid plagiarizing content by using correct rewriting and rephrasing. These services can make students more aware of their writing strategies and teach them to use original words and phrases instead of copying someone else’s ideas.
Developing Focus
Students may get easily distracted, so services such as Anti-Social are a great way of developing an ability to concentrate. By using such services, students can become more focused, determined, and efficient, eventually making them better writers.
Editing and Writing Services
Even using editing and writing help may be a valuable educational tool. For example, a student has created a paper draft but struggles with coming up with ideas or organizing them logically. They can understand what they were doing wrong and how the assignment instructions should have been met by using writing assistance. They can use the paper written or edited by someone else as a sample for future assignments. However, the beneficial effect of writing services can only be observed if students reflect on their mistakes and treat professional help as a one-time tool for advancing their academic skills. Students overusing editing and writing services will never be able to advance in academic writing.
Students seeking feedback on their writing have more chances of becoming excellent writers. Some services provide only detailed feedback and suggestions for improvement, while students themselves are required to do the most responsible work of revising and editing. Taking advantage of such services is neither unethical nor ineffective. On the contrary, students following the tips of experienced academic writers can develop excellent writing skills and better understand academic standards, formatting, paper organization, etc.