Newly-elected Briarcliff Manor Mayor Steven Vescio and the Board of Trustees have announced a special call for volunteers to serve on various Briarcliff Manor Village Boards and Advisory Committees. With the Village Board of Trustee reorganization complete, they have updated the current list of vacancies to highlight several open positions residents might find interesting. These include:
- An alternate member position of the Planning Board
- A member of the Library Board
- Two positions of the Architectural Review Advisory Committee
- Multiple positions to reconstitute and expand the Ad Hoc Beautification Committee.
The village’s new website has a direct link to submit (or renew a previous volunteer application) at:
In addition, you can take a “bird’s eye view” of the individual Boards and Committees as to roles and current Village volunteers on the village website (www.briarcliffmanor.org). Click on the “Boards / Committees” link just below the Village’s masthead.
If you are interested in a committee that is currently “full”, let them know of your interest anyway so that if a vacancy arises, they can go to their records and contact you.
Lastly, you still can go directly to Village Manager Phil Zegarelli at pzegarelli@briarcliffmanor.org indicating your interest. Be sure to provide a resume.