Letters to the Editor

To all the Village employees who have been plowing, moving, piling, and hauling away the record amount of snow we’ve had this year….I want to say, “Well done and thank you all.”

Because I live on a main road….with side walks on both sides… on a hill … AND… on a corner, I can see… and hear… and attest to the effort they have put forth to keep the roads and major sidewalks passable. All day long and all night long… until it’s totally done.

And then they have to take it all somewhere and get rid of it!!

I want to thank the men who haul our garbage away….and  pick up after us when dogs or raccoons or wind have spread it all over the place.  I see them riding on the back of the truck when it’s zero degrees in the winter or all summer long when it can be over 100… on every single street in the entire Village.

I know it’s their job and I know it’s what they’re supposed to do, but I’m impressed and enormously grateful to each and every one of them.

Susan Sincero, Tarrytown

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About the Author: River Journal