Tarrytown/Sleepy Hollow
Leadership Profile Report Released
Hazard, Young, Attea & Associates (HYA) delivered the results of their two-month long Leadership Profile Assessment to The Board of Education of the Public Schools of the Tarrytowns on Thursday, October 8.
HYA spent August and September speaking with stakeholders in the District to ascertain what people want in a new superintendent.
They met in person with 77 individuals including parents, students, teachers, staff, administrators, Board members, and members of the school community. An online survey posted on the District’s website garnered an additional 198 responses. HYA cobbled all of this input together to create its Leadership Profile Report, intended to be used by the Board of Education in the District’s search for a new Superintendent of Schools who would begin work on July 1, 2016.
While each group interviewed and assessed brought a different perspective to the project, HYA found a number of consistent themes from all who were either interviewed or took the time to fill out the survey. Consistent strengths mentioned included the District’s diversity, the high level of parental and community support for the schools, and the nationally-recognized 97% graduation rate. Consistent concerns or challenges mentioned by nearly everyone included State mandates such as testing, the tax levy cap, the new teacher evaluation system interfering and even conflicting with local program priorities, the desire for stability in the administration, and long-term worries regarding how the District will handle the coming rise in enrollment when projects such as Lighthouse Landing come to fruition.
You can download and read the entire report on the District’s website at http://www.tufsd.org.
High School Chorus Sings to Veterans
The Sleepy Hollow High School Chorus entertained the troops on Friday, November 6 at the annual Veteran’s Breakfast. The event, held at Tarrytown’s Marriott Hotel, allowed the choral group to perform three times during the day to an audience of nearly 400 veterans of the United States military.
“After the wonderful job they did last year, we made them the main musical attraction this year,” said Judy Lohbauer of Phelps Hospice, who invited Sleepy Hollow High School’s Chorus to perform for the second year in a row. “They have worked very hard both last year and this year learning this new material.”
Gail Persad, the Sleepy Hollow High School Chorus Director, made sure her students were proficient in all five service songs in order to best honor the five different branches of the armed forces.
Middle Schoolers Enjoy Monster Ball
On Thursday, October 29, the Sleepy Hollow Middle School gym was transformed into a spooky dance hall as the Sleepy Hollow Middle School Student Council held their first annual Monster Ball. The event was designed to raise money for the 8th Grade trip to Washington D.C.
Students in a series of creepy, clever costumes danced to music provided by disc jockey Richard Molina, helped themselves to snacks and pizza, and let their inner-goblin shine.
High School Musicians Named to Westchester All-County FestivalThe Westchester County School Music Association named fifteen students from Sleepy Hollow High School to the Area All-County Band, Choruses, and Orchestras. The students performed at the Area All-County Music Festival on Thursday, November 5 at the SUNY Purchase Performing Arts Center.
Named to All-County Band were Casey Hanion, Viktoriya Molchanova, and Sere Politano. The All-County String Orchestra welcomed Patrick Leavy, Daniel Livingstone, and Benjy Povman. Virginia Ruhland-Mauhs and Leah Scarpati were named to the All-County Symphony Orchestra. Sleepy Hollow Chorus members invited were Kelly Rachlin and Juliette Phillips, who were named to the All-County Women’s Chorus, and James Carney, David Friedman, Peter Moriarty, Francis Pace-Nunez, and Georgia Vachon, who were named to the All-County Mixed Chorus.