The Village of Sleepy Hollow became a Climate Smart Community (CSC) in 2014 through a resolution unanimously passed by the Board of Trustees. This July, the Board approved a resolution “to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to a changing climate”. Among the actions proposed: to establish and promote a pilot program of composting, with Food Scrap Drop off bins at two locations and at public events.
“Recycling food scraps is an achievable local response to climate change.” said Village of Sleepy Hollow Mayor Ken Wray. “This is just one of the ways our Environmental Advisory Committee (SHEAC) has found for residents to offset carbon emissions by sending less waste to the incinerator.”
“Food recycling is easy and important. We hope that residents will make it a part of their routine using the kits the Village provides. But if people want to compost on their own, both SHEAC and the CSC task force can provide information on backyard composting,” said Sleepy Hollow’s Climate Smart Community Co-Coordinator Kirsten Hase-McLaughlin.
The public is welcome to participate in monthly SHEAC meetings that are held on the first Monday of every month at 7p. The meetings are currently held on Zoom. You can request a link by emailing sleepy.hollow.eac@gmail.com
An information table at the Haunted Halloween and Block Party on October 21 will provide residents information on how to recycle food scraps. Bins with tightly fitted lids to collect and transfer food waste will be available for purchase by Sleepy Hollow residents at Village Hall for $10. Residents can drop-off their food scraps at two collection sites. A grant from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation allows the village to provide the kits for half the typical retail price for residents.
How to get a composting kit
Food scrap composting starter kits are available for purchase by Sleepy Hollow residents at Village Hall at a reduced rate of $10 thanks to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation grant. These kits include a small kitchen container and larger bin to transport to the village drop off collection site.
Compost Drop-off
Residents can drop off food waste at one of the pilot locations:
- Department of Public Works site at 60 Continental Street
- James F. Galgano Senior Center Senior Center at 55 Elm Street
Compostable items
- all food scraps: fruit, veggies, grains, dairy, egg shells, meat and bones, (cooked or raw)
- coffee and tea waste: used coffee grounds, filters, tea leaves, tea bags (no staples)
- paper: unwaxed, plastic-free paper products, paper towels, napkins
- spoiled and expired food
Do not include:
- plastic bags and packaging, waxed paper products (like milk cartons),
- diapers, baby, and hand wipes,
- glass and metal,
- pet waste and litter,
- Styrofoam