[This article was provided by Friends of the Field Library.]
Brigadier General Ty Seidule will discuss his book Robert E. Lee and Me: A Southerner’s Reckoning with the Myth of the Lost Cause at 7 p.m. on March 3. The event is hosted by Friends of the Field Library. Part history lecture, part meditation on the Civil War and its fallout, and part memoir, the book challenges the deeply-held legends and myths of the Confederacy―and provides a surprising interpretation of essential truths that our country still has a difficult time articulating and accepting.
Ty Seidule grew up revering Robert E. Lee. From his southern childhood to his service in the U.S. Army, every part of his life reinforced the Lost Cause myth: that Lee was the greatest man who ever lived, and that the Confederates were underdogs who lost the Civil War with honor.

Now, as a retired brigadier general and past Professor Emeritus of History at West Point, who currently teaches at Hamilton College, his view has radically changed.
As a soldier, a scholar, and a Southerner, Ty Seidule believes that American history demands a reckoning.
To register for the virtual Zoom presentation, and pay the $5 donation online, CLICK HERE.
The book can be ordered from local Croton book seller By-the-Dam Books, 4 Old Post Road South, Croton-on-Hudson (enter through the Black Cow). Tel: 914-274-5888 bythedambooks@gmail.com; facebook.com/bythedambooks