Mayor Victoria Gearity Announces Plan to “start a new chapter”
Below is a letter Mayor Gearity sent out to Ossining residents last night announcing her decisions not to seek a fourth term in 2020.
It is with a heart full of gratitude for the people of Ossining that I announce I will not seek a fourth term for mayor in 2020. After thoughtful consideration, I have decided that I will start a new chapter. During my time as mayor the village has become greener, stronger, better connected, more welcoming to all, and economically thriving.
In this final year of my third term as mayor, I will continue to be progressive on the environment, housing and social justice policies; conservative on taxes; and transformative on how we communicate with the people we serve.
Doing the right thing for the environment can also be the smart financial choice. Installing LED streetlights throughout the village produces six-figure savings every year for taxpayers. Further, our decision to become one of the first municipalities to opt-in to 100% green energy through community choice aggregation, expanded Ossining’s impact on transitioning from fossil fuels to renewable energy. My role as a member of the steering committee that created Sustainable Westchester, and as a board member of the Northern Westchester Energy Action Coalition before that, has kept Ossining at the forefront of energy saving programs.
I have led an innovative and comprehensive approach to economic development that honors our commitment to preserving cultural and socioeconomic diversity. The program we created to establish affordable housing units within existing buildings is the first of its kind in New York. Long before the county released the results of their recent study, village policy has been influenced by our own housing needs assessment.
My commitment to make everyone feel welcome in our community, led to Ossining’s first raising of the LGBTQ rainbow flag for pride at Village Hall, as well as becoming the first community in New York to pass a gender-neutral bathroom signage policy. As an advocate for our undocumented residents, I championed the campaign to allow all drivers to be eligible to be licensed in New York State.
Holding the line on taxes is one of the most significant ways that we can keep Ossining relatively affordable. During the budget negotiations my first year as mayor, I introduced the idea of a 0% tax rate increase. The suggestion was unheard of at the time. We weren’t yet in a fiscal position to keep it totally flat, though we came close. That mindset put us on the right path. This week we will vote to have a 0% tax rate increase for the fourth year in a row.
I have transformed village communications. Initiatives like Open Office Hours, the Monday Mayor’s Message, Weekly Walks, and our redesigned website and social media presence have been effective ways to reach the people of Ossining. I began holding Tuesday Open Office Hours my first month in office, and it has proven to be a valuable opportunity to connect with residents one-on-one. The Monday email I send has been a consistent means for letting folks know the latest happenings in village government from the convenience of their inbox.
Thank you to everyone who joined me on a Weekly Walk as I experienced every block of the village on foot. The journey was about much more than exercise, or even the personal connections with residents who took the time to tell me what their neighborhood means to them. The experience continues to serve me in decisions about how zoning and planning changes will impact residents for generations to come.
When I took office, my sons were in pre-k. Today they are in middle school, and college is right around the corner. I will be exploring opportunities for a job that contributes financially in a significant way for my family. Though it will be difficult to find another position as rewarding and meaningful as mayor, it is time for me to start thinking about what is next.
Serving in local elected office is personally and professionally fulfilling, and perhaps I will again some day. For now I am excited to work with a new village board, dedicated staff, and our highly engaged community for a productive 2020.
Victoria Gearity
Mayor of Ossining
Knowing you for a very long time, I have proudly watched you serve the people of Ossining, transforming the community. Thank you for all you have done.
It has been a pleasure to work with you and I look forward to 2020 being a super productive year.
Well done, Victoria! I do so hope that your final year as mayor is as productive and impacting as your previous years. As I’ve gotten to know many residents of Ossining, I can tell you there are some very good people in your care and they deserve the best. I feel as though you have delivered. Don’t stop now! I also wish you all the best on your future endeavors. Knowing you, you will succeed at whatever it is that you set your mind and heart to do. You have represented women in leadership well, now go do your thing!!