Public input is requested on twelve project proposals in the Village of Sleepy Hollow that are currently under consideration for NY Forward funding. Brief descriptions and an image of each proposal are included on the online survey available at www.SleepyHollowNYF.com. The projects were reviewed at a Community Workshop held at the James F. Galgano Senior Center on Wednesday, September 27.
A Local Planning Committee (LPC), co-chaired by Village of Sleepy Hollow Mayor Martin Rutyna and Dr. Marsha Gordon, President & CEO of The Business Council of Westchester (BCW), worked together to determine the slate of projects to be included in a Strategic Investment Plan. NY Forward awards will be used to implement the most transformative projects from the Strategic Investment Plan. NY Forward awards will be determined by New York State in 2024.
Building on the momentum of the State’s successful Downtown Revitalization Initiative (DRI), the NY Forward program supports development and implementation of Strategic Investment Plans for downtowns located within smaller communities with historic character. By adopting the same “plan-then-act” strategy as the DRI, NY Forward programs aim to transform downtown neighborhoods into vibrant centers that offer a high quality of life and are magnets for redevelopment, business, job creation, and economic and housing diversity.
NY Forward focuses on creating healthy, vibrant, walkable downtowns that catalyze sustainable economic development and accrue numerous economic, social, and environmental benefits to the locality, the region, and the State as a whole.
The NY Forward program is led by the NYS Department of State (DOS) in partnership with Empire State Development (ESD), NYS Homes and Community Renewal (HCR), and NYSERDA.
Questions and comments can be emailed to SleepyHollowNYF@gmail.com.