Holtec to Test Indian Point Siren System

The Indian Point Energy Center emergency notification sirens will sound during a test of the system on Wed., March 15th between 10:00 am and 11:00 am.

As part of the test, sirens will sound at full volume for approximately four minutes in Westchester, Rockland, Orange and Putnam counties.

Because this is only a test, the public is not required to respond during the siren sounding.

PLEASE NOTE: Sirens are not a signal to evacuate. In an actual emergency, the sirens would sound to alert the public to tune in to a local EAS radio or television station for important information and direction. These stations are listed in the emergency planning booklet mailed to households and businesses in the 10-mile Emergency Planning Zone around Indian Point. An electronic version of the booklet is posted on the Indian Point web site, Indian Point Energy Decommissioning | Holtec International

Indian Point Energy Center was home to three nuclear power plants that operated from 1962 to 2021. Holtec International acquired Indian Point Energy Center in May 2021 from Entergy Corp. Holtec plans to complete decommissioning activities at the site decades sooner than if Entergy continued to own the facility. Indian Point Unit 3 was shut down on April 30, 2021 after generating electricity for 45 years. Unit 2 was shut down in April 2020. Unit 1 was permanently retired in 1974.

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