Homey, cozy, and a little crazy December is the best time to talk about the most beautiful thing in the world: quality sleep. Here are the most unexpected facts about it, learn more here!
Drinking Coffee Before Bed Is Good for You
The classic rule states that you should give up the invigorating drink four hours before bedtime. But there is an exception: if you need to effectively boost your performance in the midst of a work day, coffee can be beneficial. Biohackers in Silicon Valley drink a cup of espresso and lie down for a nap in their offices. The key is to set the alarm for 20 minutes. Just during this time, the caffeine will begin to work, and the person will get a double effect: an increase in concentration due to a short rest, and a portion of adrenaline to solve complex problems.
However, you should not experiment with coffee before going to bed if you are stressed or have diseases of the nervous, cardiovascular, and digestive systems. In this case, you can use other ways to energize yourself, like playing thrilling games at Playamo, completing a short workout, or meditating for 5 minutes.
You Can Sleep in Any Position
Some experts know how to judge a person’s character, destiny and even health by the position for sleeping, but science does not confirm any connection between these indicators. For example, the widespread myth that sleeping on the left side is harmful, scientists have studied from all sides. It turned out that this position in bed is not a threat to health and may be useful for some diseases. Thus, sleeping on the left side makes it easier for people with gastroesophageal reflux disease, suitable for pregnant women, as it does not obstruct the blood supply to the fetus.
At the same time, experts emphasize that the only important criterion for sleep is a comfortable position. So, if your usual way to relax is to put your face into the pillow, then continue to sleep that way. The position on your stomach is just as safe as sleeping on your back.
The Bed Should Be Changed Often
Good hygiene is one of the most important things you can do to get a good night’s rest. Usually, talking about sleep hygiene, experts mean that the bedroom should be a dark, quiet, and cool place, where there is no place for cats, gadgets, and other troublemakers. However, the banal cleanliness and eco-friendliness of bedding is also of great importance.
For example, microbiological studies show that even synthetic pillows and mattresses can contain bacteria and dust mites. On the average microscope, you can detect from 4 to 17 pathogens. They aren’t visible during cleaning, but allergic reactions, rashes on the skin and a feeling of chronic fatigue may well be related to the toxic load on the body. To reduce health risks, experts advise changing bed linens at least once a week, and using a mattress cover. Turn the mattress itself every 3-6 months, and change it every 4-10 years, depending on the wear and tear. By the way, when buying a mattress, you should also pay attention to the materials of which it is made.
A Sleep Tracker Tells You Nothing About the Quality of Your Sleep
Sleep trackers, smart watches, fitness bracelets and other gadgets more or less reliably track the beginning and end of sleep and therefore the duration of rest. But they analyze the phase and quality of sleep only approximately, and you shouldn’t rely on their readings. However, technologies are already being developed to incorporate advanced sensors into pillows, blankets, and mattresses. Perhaps such novelties will make it possible in the future to determine the quality of sleep more reliably.