Conservation Café presents the next Conversations on Conservation “From Garbage to Black GOLD: Realizing the Value of Food Waste” on January 24, 2014 8:30 am-10:30am at Greenburgh Public Library, 300 Tarrytown Road, Elmsford.
The program will feature:
Moderator: Braeden Cohen, Composting/Sustainability Specialist and educator at the Greenburgh Nature Center will be discussing the scope and expense of food waste problem in Westchester; composting as profitable solution to food waste; basic mechanics of composting food along with yard organics.
Jean Bonhotal of the Cornell Waste Management Institute and the Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, will be speaking on the economics of food waste composting andcase studies of food waste composting operations in New York State.
Terry Laibach, Recycling Specialist at NYS Department of Environmental Conservation Region III will talk about the New York State DEC requirements for food waste composting in New York and examples of food waste composting facilities currently in operation or in planning stages in New York State.
Sarah Groat, Manager of Soil, Recycling, and Compost Operations at Stone Barns Center For Food and Agriculture will present on how Stone Barns turns Garbage To Gold as part of both their mission and business operations.
After the presentations, there will be a panel discussion and questions and answers with all of our speakers and Peter Schmidt of Compostwerks.
Who Should Attend: Municipal officials, DPW officials, school facility managers, grocery store associations, restaurateurs, homeowners, the agricultural community, gardening enthusiasts, organizations that have high food waste disposal costs and those concerned about waste.
Registration begins at 8:30 a.m.; the program begins at 8:45 a.m.
This is a FREE program, and all are welcome to join.