When Support Connection’s Annual Support-A-Walk takes place on Sunday, October 2nd, people will be walking in communities far and wide to bring attention to the needs of people affected by breast, ovarian, and gynecological cancer and to raise funds for the organization’s year-round free cancer support programs and services. The event is Support Connection’s most important annual fundraiser.
The Walk will take place at FDR Park in Yorktown Heights, NY, but just as people nationwide reach out to the organization to utilize their services, people nationwide can be part of the Support-A-Walk.
Some longtime Walk participants have already begun fundraising and making plans to join Support Connection. These are just a few of their stories:

Sarah Pace will be participating in her 19th Walk, in memory of her mom. She shared, “I walk for my Mom; to honor her memory and to keep her spirit alive. I lost her 20 years ago to breast cancer and I have thought of her every day since. This walk is meaningful to me because our team is named in memory of her & seeing all my friends, my family & now especially my two children wearing her name on their shirts and raising money for such an amazing cause fills me with so much love and peace. The walk has always been a time that I am able to soak in the goodness and generosity of my loved ones and all the participants that rally together for something so important. It really makes me overwhelmed at times to see so many people coming to walk together for so many different reasons. The walk is unique in that way – so many people, so many reasons, so many memories, so much pain, so much love – but all coming together on one day. It helps to restore my faith & hope and is a reminder that no matter how long my mom has been gone, her spirit continues. *In Memory of Elizabeth Chaparro*”

Wendy and Michael Giuliano walk every year in honor and memory of Wendy’s dear friend Julie who died of ovarian cancer. Even after moving to VA, they continued to support with a Team of friends and family all over the country. Wendy poignantly shared, “Support Connection was near to Julie’s heart, and she valued the help she received from them. Team Julie was created to honor Julie and to help raise funds each year for Support Connection. Even after we moved to Virginia, we continued walking here while the rest of the team walked in their respective cities. This will be our 10th year walking, and we will all be walking together again at FDR Park in Yorktown Heights NY. We are all grateful for everything Support Connection does!”
Carrie Puppo-Tropea has Walked in support of Support Connection for over a decade. She explains, “I originally created my team Friends of Caroline in honor of my mom, Caroline Puppo, who was fighting breast cancer…. Unfortunately my mom passed away (2007) after a brave and courageous battle with breast cancer for over 12 years. We now walk in memory of her. Our team continues to walk every year and will continue to walk as long as this horrible beast continues to thrive.”
Diane Buschel’s support and participation in the Walk and fundraising dates back to the organization’s beginning. She explains her dedication in saying, “I Walk in the Support Connection Support-A-Walk for Breast & Ovarian Cancer to support this wonderful organization that brings comfort and strength to families who are dealing with cancer.”
Support Connection does not receive funds from any national cancer organizations including Relay for Life, Susan G. Komen or Making Strides. By participating in or donating to the Support-A-Walk, community members can make a positive difference in the lives of women and families facing the challenges of a breast, ovarian, or gynecological cancer diagnosis.
To learn how to participate, or to donate or raise funds, visit https://supportconnection.org/support-a-walk/ or contact Support Connection: 914-962-6402, walk@supportconnection.org.