New York State Senator Pete Harckham and Assemblywoman Dana Levenberg announced today that the legislation (S.6893/A.7208) they introduced to protect the Hudson Valley from the adverse and substantial economic impact resulting from the disposal of radiological agents by decommissioning nuclear power plants has passed through the Environmental Conservation Committee of both houses of the New York State Legislature.
The bill addresses the interests of communities along the Hudson River, which are highly concerned that radiological substances put into the river as part of the decommissioning process will have both short- and long-term effects on local real estate values and economic development.
“We have to protect the economic vitality of the communities alongside the Hudson River, which is the backbone of the region, every which way we can– this means being hyper-vigilant about any actions that could cause home and business owners to suffer economic distress,” said Harckham. “The best way to protect the economic interests along the river is to keep this important natural resource as free from contaminants as possible.”
“Today’s consumers have more information at their fingertips than ever before, which is one reason why there is so much public outcry about the potential for renewed radiological discharges into the Hudson River,” said Levenberg. “People are more aware of what is happening around them now. They will surely factor in this information while making decisions about where to swim, sail, dine and so much more. We need to further tighten up our rules about what we allow to be discharged into our rivers and when, so we can be sure we are doing all we can to protect our local economy.”

The Hudson River has been a central part of the region’s—and state’s—history, character and economic success for hundreds of years. In 2023, private sector jobs alone in the Hudson Valley increased by 10,500 or 1.4% from the previous year, totaling now around 787,000 positions. Discharging radiological material from nuclear power plants into this important and treasured water waterway poses a multitude of problematic possibilities, including severe economic consequences, to the vested economic interests in the riverfront communities and beyond.
Communities along the Hudson River remain concerned with the economic impacts on local real estate values and future development that could arise because of discharging nuclear waste from the decommissioning process, especially considering that these impacts are no longer “balanced” by economic benefits to those communities provided during the operation of the plant.
It is the duty of New York State to preserve the well-being of communities and businesses, and this bill is meant to achieve that end. The passage of the bill by the respective Environmental Conservation committees of the Senate and Assembly demonstrates broad bipartisan support for protecting the economic vitality of the Hudson Valley.
It is very important to be vigilant about the purity of the Hudson River, especially after the recent Supreme Court ruling diminishing the EPAs control of wetlands. We learn in elementary school about the importance of pure water and clean air for life on this earth, so it seems unconscionable for any suggestion to discharge nuclear waste into a major river. Common sense supports clean water in our Hudson River.
Are you freaking kidding me??!!! Why would anyone in their right mind EVER consider discharging radioactive material into ANY of our waterways??!!! We’re supposed to be trying to SAVE ourselves, not vice versa. The world has gone mad.
Some things cannot be undone. It should not ever even be a consideration to discharge radioactive waste into the waterways. Once this bad plan is started it will be initiated every where. Stop this insanity now!
Why would it ever be appropriate to discharge radioactive waste into the waterways? It should not even be a consideration.
Some things cannot be undone.
Yes the economic and financial issues are important along with minimizing the impact on the species living in the river and the ecological system as a whole.
Keep my family and others safe in the Hudson Valley!!!