Croton100, an all-volunteer, climate action education and advocacy organization, is hosting Climate Action in Croton, a potluck event on July 9 in Senasqua Park from 11:00 am-1:00 pm. This is a rain or shine event that will be held under the large pavilion.
Croton100 is a founding chapter of the 501(c)(3)non-profit, CURE100 (Communities United to Reduce Emissions 100%) ( Croton100’s mission is to advocate for a 100% emissions-free future for 100% of Croton households, 100% of local businesses and 100% of public facilities.
Croton100 invites the community, and folks from surrounding areas, to join it for a family-friendly potluck gathering with a spotlight on Plastics Free July. Please consider bringing a snack or dish of your choice for about 6 people while avoiding single-use plastics. This event will deepen awareness of petro-chemical based plastic pollution in the Hudson River and engage in action to reduce single-use plastic. Croton100 is thrilled to partner with (Instagram: Ecobags_us), an ESG (Corp. B certified) local business, to promote Plastics Free July and Plastics Free living thereafter. ECOBAGS has graciously donated some sustainable bags for produce and the like that Croton100 will share with attendees while supplies last. What’s more, ECOBAGS is generously offering discounts on plasticfree products in July; simply use promotion code: “Plastic free” when making a purchase of its sustainable products on itswebsite.

There will be opportunities at this July 9 potluck to meet local Decarbonizing members of our community and to share your decarbonizing experiences and interests about Electric Vehicle(EV) usage, adoption of heat pumps, home energy efficiency upgrades, use of clean electricity, composting, cultivating edible gardens, ESG investing, supporting local green business, political advocacy, diet choices and other climate action.
Croton100 will provide an overview of how people can get involved with Croton100’s local climate stability campaigns. This event will also include discussion about Project Drawdown’s Ecochallenge that Croton100 kicked-off on June 4, which will conclude on July 9.

Participating in this July 9 event is not just about how you can uplift yourself, it is also an opportunity to give your support to others who care about climate stability and who are taking action to have a positive impact in Croton and beyond. To change everything, we need everyone!
Participants are encouraged to help make this a waste-free event by embracing a “carry-in, carry-out” approach.