The Village of Croton-on-Hudson is now the top-ranking Clean Energy Community in New York State, leading 503 designated communities statewide with a score of 8,000 points on the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) Clean Energy Communities (CEC) Scorecard.
The Village recently completed two major energy-saving projects that launched it into first place: the installation of fuel-saving heat pump controls in the Washington Engine firehouse, and the addition of four electric vehicle (EV) chargers at the Department of Public Works (DPW) garage on Yorktown Road.
The heat pump control project was fully funded by grants from NYSERDA. The heat pump controls will allow the use of existing air conditioning equipment to heat part of the building, thereby cutting its use of fuel oil. Power to run the heat pumps is being supplied by recently installed solar panels on the firehouse’s rooftop. The heat pump work was performed by Carey & Walsh Inc., a Briarcliff Manor contractor. The 36-kilowatt array annually avoids the emission of about 16 tons of greenhouse gases, while providing free power for all of the firehouse’s needs.

The four EV chargers were installed using Village funds. The chargers were installed in-house by Department of Public works staff.
Mayor Brian Pugh hailed the efforts and the Village’s first-in-the-state position: “Our new EV charging stations, new heat pump controls and solar array are more great examples of how even small communities can help reduce the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions causing climate change.”
That is terrific let’s hope all the NY communities follow suit !