Entrance/Exit Ramps between the northbound Saw Mill River Parkway and Ashford Avenue to close on Monday, March 14.
Midday lane closures, from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., in both the eastbound and westbound directions, are expected to occur on the Ashford Avenue Bridge for the next several weeks.
On Monday, March 14, 2016, exit 17 from the northbound Saw Mill River Parkway to Ashford Avenue will be closed for long term construction. Also closing will be the entrance from Ashford Avenue to the northbound Saw Mill River Parkway.
Detours will be posted utilizing Route 9A (Saw Mill River Road) and Lawrence Street. In addition, multiple Variable Message Signs (VMS) have been installed to notify motorists of the ramp closures. The northbound exit ramp will reopen when the project enters Stage 2 and the northbound entrance ramp will be reopened when the project enters Stage 3.
Currently the Ashford Avenue Bridge Project is in the Pre-Stage. An overview of the construction stages is as follows:
• Pre-Stage began on January 4, 2016 and will run until June 2016. During the Pre-Stage there will be midday lane closures (generally from 9:30 AM to 3:30 PM) on Ashford Avenue for off-structure utility relocations. The closure of the northbound entrance & exit ramps to Ashford Avenue occurs in the pre-stage, followed by the demolition of the ramps.
• Stage 1 is expected to begin in June 2016 and last approximately 1 year. During Stage 1, the south half of the Ashford Avenue Bridge will be demolished and replaced. During this time there will be one lane of traffic in each direction on Ashford Avenue with no access to/from the northbound Saw Mill River Parkway.
• Stage 2 is expected to begin in June 2017 and last approximately 1 year. During Stage 2, the north half of the Ashford Avenue Bridge will be demolished and replaced. During this time there will be one lane of traffic in each direction on Ashford Avenue with no access to the northbound Saw Mill River Parkway. However, exit 17, from the northbound Saw Mill River Parkway will be reopened.
• Stage 3 is expected to begin in June of 2018 and last approximately 4 months. During Stage 3, the Ashford Avenue Bridge will be restored to two lanes in each direction during peak periods, with final paving and sidewalk work occurring in midday periods. The interchange (exit/entrance ramps) with the northbound Saw Mill River Parkway will also be fully restored during peak periods.
For additional information, contact Westchester County Department of Public Works and Transportation at 995-2555. Full details on this project are available at www.westchestergov.com/ashfordavenuebridge. Sign up for special email alerts on this project at www.westchestergov.com/subscribe.