Westchester County Nature Centers Events Weekend of 3/14 & 3/15

Croton Point Nature CenterWinter has in full swing, and your Westchester County Parks system offers fun-filled events, programs and activities all season long. The following are the Nature Centers Events for the weekend of March 14 and 15:


Lenoir Preserve, Dudley Street, Yonkers – (914) 968-5851
Map and Compass Spring Treasure Hunt – 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Pick up a map and compass and learn how to use them to seek treasure at the preserve.


Croton Point Nature Center, Croton Point Avenue, Croton-on-Hudson – (914) 862-5297
Project Feeder Watch – 8 a.m. – 10 a.m.
Join members of Saw Mill River Audubon to identify and count birds at the feeders.
Go to sawmillriveraudubon.org.


Cranberry Lake Preserve, Old Orchard Street, North White Plains – (914) 428-1005
Dream Catchers – 1 p.m.
Learn the history behind them, then make your own to take home. Fee $3; pre-registration required by 3/7.

Croton Point Nature Center, Croton Point Avenue, Croton-on-Hudson – (914) 862-5297
Archaeology Presentation – 1 p.m.
Learn the history of the area with members of the Lower Hudson Chapter of the New York State Archaeological Association. Go to lablhc.org.

Marshlands Conservancy, Route 1, Rye – (914) 835-4466
Friends of Marshlands Annual Meeting – 5:30 p.m.
All are welcome to hear about the work of the Friends at the preserve and hear a guest speaker.


Woodcock Watch in the Meadow – 7 p.m.
Enjoy the interesting courtship ritual of these winged wonders at twilight.


Watcher of the Night Skies – 7:30 p.m.
Observe the stars through a telescope and hear the stories they hold within.

For more information, go to westchestergov.com/parks.

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About the Author: River Journal