I Found the Fountain of Youth! It’s Called Creativity

Elizabeth Browning (left) with Dr. Howard Mase and his daughter Marla Mase

What if there really is a Fountain of Youth…a way to wind back the clock, re-energize, and burst forth onto the scene doing something completely new, no matter our age? Well, I spent last year at that fountain, watching the miracle that unfolds when we decide to begin again.   

In December 2022, I was sitting shiva [the Jewish ritual of mourning] with my friend Marla Mase and her father, executive coach Dr. Howard Mase, after her mother and his beloved wife of 66 years passed away. Making conversation, Marla said, “You know, my father’s written some wonderful stories about his life growing up in Brooklyn. Dad, you should read some of them for us.”  

As he read aloud, I laughed, cried, and was transported to a gentler time in life; a time of discovery, coming of age, falling in love, and taking those risks that changed my future forever.  

Drying my tears, I blurted out, “This is a show! The world needs to hear these stories.”  Two weeks later, Marla called and said, “We want to do it… we want to make this into a show,” and our brave new adventure began.   

‘Happiness is having something to look forward to‘ – Dr. Howard Mase

Could we really do this? As a professional acting coach, director, and filmmaker, I had some experience, and Marla was a recording artist, performer, and writer, with her own record label. Howard had spent his life as a psychologist and beloved mentor who’d devoted the last 10 years to caring for his invalid wife, conducting his business by phone, and was now being asked to make his acting debut at the age of 87!  

We created the script from his essays that had been hidden away for 35 years, and added Marla’s original music and stories of her childhood. To our amazement, a beautiful new show emerged called Being Somebody 

Howard stepped onto the stage in April of 2023 at the age of 87, and never looked back. He holds his script, takes command of the stage, and tells his captivating stories as if he was born to act. The show has played to sold out audiences in New York City, is now touring, and, for the first time in 10 years, Howard is traveling, staying in Airbnbs, and sharing his stories with hundreds of people who laugh, cry, and jump to their feet in appreciation at the end of each show.   

“I never in a million years dreamed I would do something like this,” says Howard gleefully. By his saying yes, this beautiful man seems to grow younger, more joyful, and filled with new possibilities every day. And it’s contagious. I’m now working on my first book, and planning my own return to the stage.

At age 68, I watch this 88-year-old inspiration dancing, singing, laughing, and telling his stories; and I realize that it’s time we all reframe the limiting beliefs we share about aging.  

Creativity is the fountain of youth. There is magic in starting something new that can touch another person’s life, whether it’s a story, a garden, a recipe, or a work of art.  

Elizabeth Browning resides in Montrose with her family and two lively dogs. She enjoys hiking, camping, and road trips to picturesque parks and new, captivating destinations.

Legendary film actress Sophia Loren said, There is a Fountain of Youth: It is your mind, your talents, the creativity you bring to your life and the lives of people you love. When you learn to tap this source, you will truly have defeated age.”  

Howard says, “Happiness is having something to look forward to.” When my friend Karen turned 50, she said, “How lovely… we’re now in the youth of our wisdom!” What stories, ideas, creations do you have to share as we gather at the Fountain of Youth?


  1. What an amazing and uplifting story…and so beautifully written! You invite us into and take us along on this inspiring journey of renewal and discovery! Thank you! Really looking forward to your book!

  2. What a beautiful article. So inspiring. I feel like reading it every day to renew my heart, to know that anything, including my dreams, is still possible. And that wonderful things can be around the bend as we age — not just heartbreaking loss. Thanks so much!

  3. Excellent article. Very inspiring. I’m 66 and have so many friends who think the “fountain of youth” comes from plastic surgery or some serum or drug that will keep us “young”. So lovely to think that there is fountain of energy that lives inside of us, just waiting for a chance to sing and dance and create again. Thank you.

  4. This is so inspiring, from every perspective. To be the daughter and share the stage with her beloved father. To be the dramaturge and director, shaping the show. To see the courageous, engaging, smart and funny 88-year-old whippersnapper make his stage debut – priceless. Really amazing.

  5. Elizabeth…your talent, your vision, your zest for life…I stand in awe. This article is such an inspiration and a beautiful gift. Thank you!

  6. Elizabeth, you’ve always been a visionary! I have seen this amazing play and Howard & Marla do an amazing job telling their story, and maybe the story of so many others… it’s moving, inspirational & done with the utmost of enthusiasm! Bravo to all of you & for this amazing article!

  7. I’ve been following along your life’s path for a while now and there is no sign you’ll be slowing down anytime soon! Your beatiful heart, vibrant soul, and creative expression are just a few ways you give to the world. Thank you for always sharing and for being a part of my life, for inspiring brilliance in others, for seeing our inner leadership, and for cultivating magic for those around you in everything you do. As always, we’ll done!

  8. Elizabeth you are a true inspiration. Your compassion for others, reaching for the unknown and exploring all that is possible continues to open doors for so many. Thank you for sharing your experiences and wisdom.

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About the Author: Elizabeth Browning