Main Street School students and staff logged onto their computers to observe Unity Day, the signature event of National Bullying Prevention Month, on Oct. 21. They celebrated their tight-knit school community to raise awareness for the prevention of bullying.
“We all wore our orange and white shirts celebrating kindness, friendship and our community, joining others around the country also wearing orange uniting together against bullying – united for kindness, acceptance and inclusion,” Principal Joyce Chapnick said.
As part of the campaign, the students raised $250 for PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center and Be A Friend Project. Throughout the school year, fourth and fifth graders will participate in the Be A Friend Project, which brings peer support to young victims of bullying through deliveries of letters of hope.
“We strive for a kind, respectful and inclusive environment at Main Street School,” Chapnick said. “It is our hope that our daily efforts to embed character building, as well as our special events related to character building, will foster a positive environment in which children can learn.”