Only a small percentage of scouts achieves the vaunted rank of Eagles Scout, and Liam Hansen is about to be one of them. Liam is a senior at Sleepy Hollow High School, set to graduate this June. He started as a Cub Scout in second grade and is now Senior Patrol Leader in his local Boy Scout troop. He instantly took to scouting and enjoyed it so much that, early on, he decided to pursue the ultimate rank of Eagle Scout. “I love the ideals of scouting, setting up goals and attaining them and helping out the community along the way.”
Every Eagle Scout must develop and lead a service project, and Liam wanted to create something that would both endure and also benefit the entire community. Liam’s passion for hiking led him to notice that there was a need for additional classroom benches in Peabody Preserve, near Fremont Pond in Sleepy Hollow. Working with the Peabody Preserve leadership Liam marshalled his fellow scouts and troop adult leadership to construct new stained and sealed benches using natural elements. Once he had a design settled, he and the troop spent many weekends constructing and placing 23 new benches for everyone to enjoy.
Liam is not only part of Troop 22 but has served as Senior Patrol Leader for the past two years. The troop has a long history of community service and, under Liam’s leadership, that tradition continues today. The troop sets up the book fair at Warner Library, man’s tables for the Rivertown Runners, supports the Strawberry Festival in Tarrytown. They help build props and are actors in the annual Haunted Hayride in Sleepy Hollow, and also participate in numerous civic events and duties. This Memorial Day, the troop put flags on veterans’ graves in Sleepy Hollow Cemetery. They also attend the Memorial Day service in Patriots Park following the parade they march in. And Troop 22 collects groceries for our local food pantries, to help out families in need.
Liam would like to thank his mentors, Mr. Silva, Mr. Cusick and all the other adult volunteers for what they have done for him over the years, as well as his mom and dad. “I owe them so much and I’m grateful for all the time they spent helping me make it to Eagle Scout.” The principles of scouting are being trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean and reverent. And, if you have ever had the pleasure of meeting Liam Hansen, he is all that.