Dows Lane Elementary School first grader Kaylen Jiang was awarded the New York State Office of the Attorney General Triple “C” Award during a ceremony at the school’s blacktop on Nov. 6. She was recognized for her courage, character and commitment for translating for a classmate who did not speak English.
When Jiang was a kindergarten student in Izabela Swiecka’s class last year, she helped translate all of the learning into Mandarin for the new student who joined the class. While Swiecka and ENL teacher Paul Manzi used translation programs to communicate with the student, Jiang informally began to translate for her classmate.
“Kaylen helped the new student whenever they were together during the day, at recess, in specials,” Principal Dr. Andrea Kantor said. “She took the initiative to go above and beyond to make the new student feel welcomed and understood.”
During the ceremony, Jiang was recognized before an audience of her family, classmates, teachers Paul Manzi and Izabela Swiecka, Superintendent of Schools Dr. Kristopher Harrison, Principal Dr. Andrea Kantor, Assistant Principal Liza Wishney, math coach Christine Rosner, school counselor Alissa Campbell and psychologist Lauren Dondero.