The Red Cross responded to help people affected by the following fires in Westchester County:
- Four households (six individuals) after a fire on Maurice Avenue in Ossining (8/6/24)
- Four households (six individuals) after a fire on Martling Avenue in Tarrytown (8/6/24)
- Nine households (30 individuals) after a fire on Riverview Place in Yonkers (8/11/24)
In each instance, the Red Cross Metro NY North Disaster Action Team provided emergency assistance, including financial assistance, to meet the families’ immediate needs. The Red Cross also typically provides information packets regarding recovery resources and guidance, cleanup kits, comfort kits with personal care items, snacks, waters, and other items as needed.
Red Cross caseworkers will continue to work with families to connect them with additional resources for long-term recovery needs.
Any persons impacted by these disasters who need recovery assistance and have not already connected with Red Cross services should contact 1-877-RED CROSS(1-877-733-2767).
HURRICANE SEASON: Hurricane season is here. Before a hurricane arrives, have a plan to evacuate as well as a plan to shelter safely in place. Take time now to gather the supplies and knowledge you will need when the storm arrives. Make a plan, build a kit, stay informed. Visit www.redcross.org/hurricanes for more.