I am voting for David Carlucci for Congress because he is the most qualified candidate, having served nearly 10 years in the New York State Senate. He is the most capable in my mind to lead Rockland and Westchester Counties through this economic downturn.
We don’t need candidates who say they have delivered results or “walked the walk”, we need candidates that have done it. For example, Carlucci passed 12 weeks of paid family leave in New York State, which is a nation leading paid family leave policy that allows someone to take time off from work to have a baby, care for a sick loved one, or serve in the military for a short deployment. I am more than confident Carlucci will support and can deliver this policy at the federal level because he made it happen at the State level.
We also need livable wages. Carlucci passed into law a $15 minimum wage in New York with bipartisan support, so I am confident he will do it in Washington. Further, he’s been a champion for our developmental disability community with years of experiences as the Chair of the Mental Health and Developmental Disability Committee in the New York State Senate. He has supported our Direct Support Professionals (DSPs) who care for our most vulnerable. No other candidate has stood up like him for our DSPs, working to build career advancement and salary increases. Further, he made sure the ABLE Act got signed into law. It’s been applauded by the State Comptroller and was modeled after the federal ABLE Act that was signed by President Obama in 2014. The law allows for an individual to deposit money into an ABLE account that is exempt from any Medicaid or Supplemental Security monetary limit as it relates to personal assets. It is ensuring more than 400,000 New Yorker’s have more funds for disability expenses.
Lastly, Carlucci will fight for quality affordable health care for all. He will defend the Affordable Care Act against attacks, which has helped more than 100 million people get health insurance. He supports giving people a choice so if they like their doctor they can keep their doctor and competition from the public option will drive insurance costs down, something that is badly needed right now.
I am proud to vote for the candidate with the most legislative experience and who did not just move to my district to serve. Carlucci has been serving. Please join me in voting for David Carlucci either early on June 13th-June 21st or on June 23rd. For more information check out: DavidCarlucci.com.
Gayle Bruen
West Nyack