Loss of jobs and income have placed enormous stress on many citizens, challenging their ability to provide basic necessities such as food for their families.
As with many civic organizations, Rotary Clubs in Croton-on-Hudson and Tarrytown exemplify how civic organizations are stepping up, more than redoubling their regular efforts to address the unfortunate but understandable surge in requests for food.
The Rotary Club of Croton-on-Hudson has a long, proud history of supplying fresh produce to Croton Food Pantry, as well as providing more than 150 turkeys each Thanksgiving to those in need.
Croton Rotary reports it has seen the demand for produce rise to 150 families asking for assistance each week, almost five times the previous weekly level of 35 families.
Each Friday, Croton Rotary members gather to sort and package food bundles for the public. The Club has packed approximately 1000 bags of produce and plans on continuing to do so for the foreseeable future.
Feeding Westchester has been helpful in supplying some produce for the Club to bag. Donations also can be made to the Croton Food Pantry, to provide funding for the purchase of necessary items to supplement funding by Croton Rotary.

Rotary Club of The Tarrytowns is always ready to help its community. When Covid-19 hit, the Club immediately saw the need to feed first responders and who lost jobs. Through the Meal Train program, Tarrytown Rotary Club was able to feed ital first responders at Phelps Hospital and Sleepy Hollow EMS {Emergency Medical Services].
The Club’s efforts reached beyond first-line workers to help other members of the community, including restaurant owners. It asked the community to help raise funds to expand Rotary’s food program. The community’s response was overwhelming.
The Club recruited local restaurants to cook and deliver the meals each week. The partnership proved a win–win: feeding those in need and helping restaurants maintain staff during these difficult times.
Through June, Rotary Club of The Tarrytowns was able to raise over $70,000 to feed first responders and those in need at Phelps Hospital, Open Door Sleepy Hollow, Tarrytown Volunteer Ambulance Corps (TVAC), Sleepy Hollow EMS, Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary (RSHM) Life Center, and Tarrytown Community Opportunity Center (COC).
Covid-19 persists, as do the dire needs of the community. Please continue to donate. Together we are strong.
- foodpantryincroton.org
- crotonrotary.com
- tarrytownrotary.org
- feedingwestchester.org