Christ Church and San Marcos of Tarrytown Welcome New Priest

Rev. William M. Baker

Christ Church and San Marcos announced that the Rev. William M. Baker will become their next rector. Fr. Baker takes over the position from Susan Copley, who retired last year after over thirteen years of service at Christ Church and San Marcos. He was most recently Priest-in-Charge at the Church of the Ascension in Staten Island.  Prior to this position, Fr. Baker was a social worker and a Certified Diversity Trainer devoted to healing social injustices related to domestic violence, food & housing insecurity, immigration, and LGBTQ issues.  He is bilingual and will celebrate in English & Spanish services.

Fr. Baker grew up in Nebraska and made New York his home during his late teens.  He graduated from the Virginia Theological Seminary and was ordained at the Cathedral of Saint John the Divine in New York in 2018. He is the father of two grown children, Meagan and Justin.

Christ Church and San Marcos invites all to join a ‘meet and greet’ for Fr. Baker with a joyful bilingual service on October 31st @ 10 AM at 43 S Broadway, Tarrytown, NY 10591, followed by a special coffee hour in the church’s newly renovated kitchen.


  1. The Spirit moves in wondrous ways..will see you the next traffic disaster on the Cuomo bridge! The Rev. John A. Weatherly

  2. Congratulations. I have fond memories of supplying at Christ Church. Ave a blessed time with friendly congregants!

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About the Author: River Journal