Photo credit: Mark Liflander.
The entire event, Halloween at Horan’s Landing, is the brainchild of the Sleepy Hollow Downtown Development Committee (a sub-committee of the Sleepy Hollow Downtown Revitalization Corporation) and Westchester Circus Arts. It is being sponsored by National Resources, the developer of The River House. “We are promoting events that benefit families, individuals and businesses in our Village,” says committee chair Karen Wompa. “Halloween is a large part of achieving that goal. Having the Halloween Performance Tent at Horan’s Landing will bring visitors to the Village, promote the new development down at the riverfront, benefit businesses located at the western end of Beekman Avenue, and provide a wonderful attraction for residents to enjoy.”
For tickets visit: http://visitsleepyhollow.com/2014/09/09/halloween-at-horans-landing/.