For this year’s National Poetry Month, Bethany Arts Community’s first celebration of the event, a packed agenda has been planned, with exhibits, talks, workshops and readings inspired by the power of the word.
Honoring the deep and long connection between the arts and poetry, where artists have inspired poets, poets have inspired artists, and the two have created hand in hand, Bethany has announced their first poetry residency and are welcoming seven talented poets to the arts center.
Meanwhile, aspiring poets, accomplished poets, and those – young or old – who love to listen and read are invited to enjoy the two exhibits anchoring the month long celebration: Lado a Lado: Side by Side – A Celebration of Literature and Art, which is a multi-media exhibit of work by the children of the Ossining Children’s Center, and To Pablo Neruda with Gratitude with Rochelle Udell. There is also an art piece on Pockets to celebrate National Poem in Your Pocket Day with suggestions about how to participate and enjoy the day.
A rich set of readings, classes, and workshops fill out the rest of the month, offering “poetry that interrogates, celebrates, and reflects upon the world around us – whether it be everyday objects or life changing moments.”
A full list of Bethany’s plans can be found at https://bethanyarts.org/poetry-month-2021/