Nonprofits in need of resources, take note: Tompkins Charitable Gift Fund has opened its of application portal for 2022 grants to all 501(c)(3) and eligible public charities in New York and Pennsylvania. Established more than 20 years ago by Tompkins Financial Advisors, Tompkins Charitable Gift Fund has provided financial support to numerous not-for-profit organizations since its inception, distributing over $1.2 million to deserving organizations and worthy causes.
All not-for-profits that would benefit from financial assistance are encouraged to apply by March 1, 2022. To view the guidelines or submit an application, head to tompkinscharitablegift.org/philanthropy.htm.
“While philanthropy is something we should care about all year, every year, coming out of the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic, the needs are even greater for nonprofits in the Hudson Valley,” said Stacie Mastin, manager of Tompkins Charitable Gift Fund and a wealth advisor for Tompkins Financial Advisors. According to the research group Candid and the Center for Disaster Philanthropy, more than 33 percent of nonprofits in the U.S. are at risk of closure within two years as a result of financial strains bought on by the pandemic.
“The toll is not only financial; businesses, and their employees, are still mentally recovering from these past few years, where many were on the frontlines,” said Mastin. “Feeling the kindness of their community in their corner is exactly what they need and creates a positive ripple effect that spreads in the best possible ways. We highly encourage all eligible nonprofits to apply for the chance to take advantage of these additional resources.”
Over the last 20-plus years, Tompkins Financial Advisors has supported a wide variety of not-for-profits that enrich the lives of those living in the Hudson Valley. In the past, it has contributed to like Green Chimneys, Hope’s Door and St. Mary’s Hospital for Children. For more information, head to www.tompkinscharitabletrust.org.