The sounds of barking will still ring through the air at the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show at Lyndhurst Estate in Tarrytown in June. But what will be missing is the sound of spectators.
In a statement on the organization’s website, Westminster officials said that, due to the state coronavirus regulations impacting the allowable number of attendees at events, the 2021 Westminster show will not be open to spectators or vendors. No tickets will be sold
It’s the latest in pandemic related move for the 145th edition of the nation’s most prestigious canine competition. The June 12-13 event was originally moved from New York City’s Madison Square Garden to Lyndhurst Estate at the start of the pandemic.
The show usually offers fans a chance to interact with dogs and breeders when they’re out of the ring, a highlight for many attendees.
Fans will have to make do with a different perspective this year. The Best in Show competition will be televised, for the first time live on FOX.
This will be one-and-done for Lyndhurst as the club says it’s planning for the show to return to New York City next year.