May 16, 2012 · 8:51 pm

I guess it is weird that I can express my emotions better in word than I can in real life.   I just seem to be able to express myself in the right manner…not facing anyone.

If I looked forward at how I thought my life would be at the age of 50, honestly this is not what I would have envisioned.  I would never have seen the second cancer, and I would never, never, never had seen my Mom getting sick.  But life is funny that way.  All the things you don’t foresee…they eventually get seen.  Lately I have seen a lot more people I know facing what they never could have foreseen, and I wonder why that is.

Then I made an odd realization.  It is not just me…but a little bit more global than that.  On Facebook, yesterday, I noticed 11 different “friends” post some saying about how “times are hard but they will get better”, or “life may have thrown you a few curves but things will get better…”  All of them waxing philosophically on how “that which doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.”  Hit songs are being written to remind us of this.

But here’s the truth…DAMN IT I (and in many cases WE) AM STRONG ENOUGH!  I don’t really want to be any stronger, so if you could give us a break on the “life lessons for a while…I would truly appreciate it!”

Be Well!


Read more http://thecancermademedoit.com/2012/05/16/when-is-enough-enough/

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About the Author: River Journal