Dying is an integral part of life, but despite this, a lot of people are unprepared and thus, so are the families they leave behind. It is not always feasible to have the time to prepare extensively for your death as often there isn’t much warning. That being said, there are some things that you can do to provide yourself peace of mind knowing that your family will be okay.
Read on for more information.
Communicating with Family & Friends
If your death will be the result of an illness, have you discussed this condition with your friends and family? This can help them, and you come to terms with your condition and your prognosis.
Have you discussed what medical interventions you want to receive in the event of illness or accident? This includes life support or any other life-sustaining measures. Consider compiling an advance directive so that there is no doubt as to your wishes.
Have you assigned someone to carry out your wishes or make decisions on your behalf if you are unable to do so? This person needs to be completely aware of what you would want.
Personal Considerations
Are you at peace with your beliefs about death? Of course, this is a loaded question, and it is difficult for someone to always be at peace with the idea of what is waiting for them on the other side, just in case. However, being secure in your beliefs can be comforting.
Do you have or are you aware of any grudges? They are bad for the soul, and you should try to fix them regardless. It is good for your mental health to have closure. However, this becomes all the more important if you are ill and you know that your death will be approaching.
Do you have anything you need to express? Have you been holding something in or keeping a secret? Again, it is always good to unburden yourself from these, but again, especially if you know that your death will be coming.
What about your belongings? If you have a family, it is important that you have something in place to communicate what should happen or who gets what in the event of your death. In addition, you may have special items that you want to designate for specific people. You should also plan for an estate haul out if you want to throw your belongings after death.
Is there any children or pets? If you are single and you have children or pets, do you know who will be their guardian or owner? Have you discussed this with all the necessary parties?
Are all your files in order? Do you have a will, living will or advanced directive? Some young people mistakenly believe that they do not need this paperwork because death is a long way off for them. Unfortunately, this is not always the case, and it is better to have this paperwork in place so that you and your family are covered.
Funeral Planning
Everyone is different in how they approach death. There are many different options when it comes to the if, how and where a person can be memorialized. It can be determined by religious practices, spiritual beliefs, or other cultural norms. However, it can also simply be governed by personal preference and choice if there are no other ties. There are many considerations when it comes to choosing funeral services.
Do you have a preference for a funeral home? This is where the body will be taken. Some families prefer to use the same funeral home.
How would you want your body handled after death? This can include things like embalming or even your choice between a cremation service and burial. Make sure to inform your family of your preferences.
Do you have an idea of where you want to be buried or scattered? Will you need a grave? If so, what will be inscribed on it?
What type of ceremony, if any, do you want? A funeral or memorial or wake? Do you have any special requirements for the service? Who will deliver the eulogy?
These questions can seem overwhelming if you have never considered them before, but it is important to have these things in place. If you need more information, look up online resources. For example, you could visit ingramfuneralhome.com if you are based in Forsyth County, Georgia. They are an independently owned funeral home that offers a number of different types of services, and they can also help answer any of the questions you may have.
In Conclusion
Some people are fortunate enough to know when their death is approaching; they have the time to prepare for it. Unfortunately, other people aren’t that lucky, so it is important to have a plan in place not only for the fulfilment of your wishes but also for your family’s security. It can be overwhelming, but not all this planning needs to happen in one go; you can take your time with it.
Thanks for the reminder that taking into consideration one’s spiritual beliefs is also an important thing to consider when it comes to planning a funeral. I’m interested in learning more about death planning because I’ve recently watched a documentary about it. That made me realize how important that is in order to be able to have the right send-off should one’s time finally comes.