Hudson Valley Ronald McDonald House Celebrates 10 Year Anniversary

Ribbon Cutting Event Reveals Remodeled Rooms       

Steve Ricci, Damian Amodeo (holding phone) Kieran McCauley, Sara Toujer and Bjorn Bjornsson (Photo: Veronica Murphy)

Ronald McDonald House of the Greater Hudson Valley hosted a 10 Year Anniversary Ribbon Cutting Celebration last week to reveal newly remodeled family spaces. After a decade of serving more than 2,000 families with sick or injured children the communal spaces were ready for an upgrade. The remodeled kitchen, living room and playroom were all made possible through the donations of One Room Wonders, Bjorn Bjornsson Designs, and Smart D2 Playrooms.

The entire community came together to lend a hand and help support this huge project for Ronald McDonald House which is just steps away from Maria Fareri Children’s Hospital in Valhalla. One Room Wonders, a non-profit located in Rye, successfully recruited more than 15 local businesses to donate their time, talent, goods and resources to transform the kitchen. The result is a brand new, state of the art modern kitchen and dining area for the families who are staying at the House and volunteers who support the meal program. Bjorn Bjornsson completely redesigned the living room by updating the paint, carpeting, and adding trendy décor. Smart D2 Playrooms turned the existing playroom into a vibrant, safe and fun playhouse for children of all ages to enjoy. The complete transformation of the spaces positively impacts so many families today and will continue for years to come.

Robin Reitzes, Steph Hausman, Denise Davies, and Karri Bowen-Poole (Photo: Veronica Murphy)

The celebration included lite fare and refreshments on the patio, donated by local restaurants and businesses including; McDonalds of Thornwood, Beehive, Italia Brick Oven Pizzeria & Restaurant, Silvio’s Pizza, Gulotta House, Ossining Elks and Ronald McDonald House Board Member Chris Adams. Attendees were invited into the House for ribbon cutting ceremonies held in front of each individual room as local dignitaries presented the donors with proclamations for their commitment to the organization. “After 10 years it’s always time to refresh any home and our Home here at Ronald McDonald House is no exception. As families walk in our doors in distress and dealing with their child’s medical crisis, they feel like they can manage the situation in this new environment,” said Richard Landau, Chairman of the Board. “People do the nicest things at the toughest times and thanks to all three donors who made this possible.”

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About the Author: River Journal