Villages Look to Tackle Projects: Irvington

In the Village of Irvington, 2016 is all about Main Street. First in line is the continuation of the Town Hall exterior restoration, which is expected to take another six months to complete – but that is only the beginning. “We received a couple hundred thousand dollar grant from NY State… for what we call the Aqueduct Crossing Project,” says Village Administrator Lawrence Schopfer.

“That’s a project to create a better linkage from the south side of Main Street to the north side of Main Street where the aqueduct crosses the street. It also involves the refurbishment of the war monument that we have right outside the Main Street School, which is also right where the [path of the] Aqueduct [Trail] crosses.”


According to Schopfer, the project – estimated to cost close to $400,000 – will include signage to better indicate the path of the Old Croton Aqueduct Trail as it crosses Main Street and enters the Main Street School parking lot, improvements to the pedestrian crossings at that location, and, most significantly, creating a designated Aqueduct Trail pathway on the outside edge of the parking lot.

“We’ve also submitted for a couple of grants that relate to streetscape improvements along Main Street,” says Schopfer. “We’d like to create some revisions to how the sidewalks are structured outside of Town Hall and how it connects to our theater – add some benches, garbage receptacles, maybe the replacement of some trees – as well as some pedestrian improvements. We’d like to try to create safer crossings at certain spots along Main Street. There’s a whole series of streetscape improvements that we’re looking to do.”

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About the Author: David Neilsen