Letter to the Editor: In Support of Assembly Candidate Shimsky

Dear Editor,

I am supporting and encourage everyone to vote for MaryJane Shimsky for Assembly District 92 in the upcoming June 28 primary election.  MaryJane has served the community as a Westchester County Legislator and previously on the staff of Assemblyman Richard Brodsky, she brings experience, strong relations, and knowledge.  MaryJane has won the strong endorsements of the Westchester County Democratic Committee, Working Families Party, the Hispanic Democrats of Westchester, Eleanor’s Legacy, and Tenants PAC, to name a few.

Affordable housing is an issue we feel acutely in the River Towns. Shimsky has prioritized helping residents who live here, stay here, by supporting the development of nearly 300 affordable housing units locally (and over 2,000 in the county).

Most importantly to me, MaryJane has been a long-time environmental advocate.  She has fought for Westchester to not only mitigate the effects of climate change, but to also implement proactive measures that promote energy efficiency in meaningful ways. Initiatives she has supported have made important changes at County-operated centers, including adding solar installations to all County facilities (and requiring energy benchmarks for all County buildings), replacing County transportation fleets with hybrid and electric buses and vehicles, and adding electric charging stations at County parking lots.

To reduce waste in Westchester, she’s supported expanding food scrap recycling programs and the creation of a food scrap recovery and information center in Valhalla. Shimsky also backed Westchester’s polystyrene ban to help keep our landfills and waterways free from Styrofoam-type products (which take 500 years to decompose).

We need MaryJane in Albany to build in-state renewable energy like wind and solar, which will also create good jobs while protecting our environmental justice communities across NY state.  Her opponent, the incumbent Tom Abinanti, is seeking his 7th term and has been in elected office for 35 years, it is time for a more progressive Assembly-person who supports science and medicine.

Early voting starts Saturday, June 18, and primary election day is June 28.  We Americans need to vote in every election, our democracy depends on you.  Please help remind your friends, neighbors, and family to vote for MaryJane.

Marjorie Hsu
Mount Pleasant Democratic Committee District Leader
Sleepy Hollow

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