SUNY Westchester Community College has been selected for another year of funding by All Within My Hands (AWMH), the non-profit, philanthropic organization created by the members and management of Metallica. SUNY WCCwill continue to use the Metallica Scholars Initiative’s (MSI) $5,000 funding to support students looking to enter or further their careers in Advanced Manufacturing.
SUNY WCC will focus its efforts on programs that provide students with the opportunity to develop the skills increasingly needed in the regional job market. Students will take coursework in machine learning, CNC, and other National Institute of Metallurgy (NIMS) certified competencies that lead to high-skill, high-wage career pathways in advanced manufacturing. No prior knowledge of manufacturing is necessary.
Launched in 2019 by All Within My Hands in partnership with the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC), MSI began with 10 community colleges and primarily manufacturing programs. With steady development by creative and dedicated leadership, MSI offers diverse workforce opportunities for students interested in gaining the skills and training necessary to find meaningful and well-paying careers. To date, AWMH has invested over $10.5M in the American workforce, reaffirming a commitment to career and technical education at the local level. This year marks the expansion of MSI into all the 50 states.
“When we launched the Metallica Scholars Initiative, it really spoke to me,” said James Hetfield of Metallica. “A collective goal of breaking the stigma of trade skills. Trade skills are vital to society, and what’s even more important is to support the many folks who are trying to create a career by learning and using these skills. I am so proud – we all are – to see how this program is changing lives by providing much-needed resources to empower students.”
“SUNY WCC has been a proud partner of Metallica’s All Within My Hands for the past four years,” said Dr. Belinda Miles, President of SUNY Westchester Community College. “Metallica Scholars all across the United States are often considered non-traditional students, as many have families to support or they are the first in their families to pursue a college education. This scholarship program has enabled diverse, motivated and ambitious students to receive the education and training they need to become valuable contributors to our regional economy and better support themselves and their families.”
“Our partnership with All Within My Hands has been invaluable,” said Terista Wisell, Vice President and Dean of Continuing Education and Workforce Development at SUNY Westchester. “In addition to providing funds that have covered the cost of tuition for our Metallica Scholars, as well as other costs incurred in their studies, the Metallica brand has brought greater awareness to our efforts to prepare those seeking middle skills jobs in high demand fields. This program has also enabled us to braid funding from other grantors, enabling SUNY WCC to better serve our workforce development students.”
To learn more about the Metallica Scholars Initiative at SUNY Westchester Community College, please visit www.sunywcc.edu/metallica