Irvington Union Free School District honored its varsity boys cross-country team – which captured its first New York State “Class C” championship title in the fall – with a schoolwide celebration at Meszaros Field on April 29.
Members of the team and their coaches Chris Barry and Michael McQuillan were welcomed on the field to the cheers of classmates, administrators and Board of Education members, as well as Assemblyman Tom Abinanti, Legislator MaryJane Shimsky, Sen. Andrea Stewart-Cousins and Irvington Mayor Brian Smith.
“We are extremely proud of our cross-country team,” Athletic Director John Buonamano said. “We celebrated the hard work, dedication and determination of a group of individuals whose accomplishments were a direct result of their character and process. Their success was only possible because of their commitment to individual and team improvement and establishes possibilities for future generations of Irvington athletes.”
The eight team members who represented Irvington at the state tournament included Ryan Carron, Taoig Cypher, Liam Lyons, Mitchell Milun, Indy Minkoff, Brice Pierce, Trent Snyder and Lucas Turano. During his speech, Buonamano said all team members are recognized for their support and commitment in catapulting their peers toward a state championship.
During the celebration, the students also heard from the local politicians, who presented them with proclamations in honor of their achievements, and Superintendent of Schools Dr. Kristopher Harrison, who expressed his pride in the team and commended the students for their excellence.
In addition, members of the cross-country team surprised Barry with an announcement that the Village of Irvington will rename a portion of the cross-country trail, known as the lollipop trail, to the Christopher Barry trail, in honor of his commitment and leadership to the Irvington cross-country program.