Kudos for Tappan Zee Bridge Cover Story

Kudos to Henry Steiner for his compelling article [Summer 2010 Issue] about the new Tappan Zee Bridge project. His concerns really hit home for us. Here’s why. About three years ago my husband and I bought a beautiful condo unit in Tarrytown right on the water, overlooking the Bridge. The master bedroom was also right on the water near the Bridge. Unfortunately, what we discovered was that many nights we were coughing, getting up to drink water and having some difficulty with our breathing. During these three years, we have spent time in California, Illinois, Massachusetts and even on the waters of Croatia and Saudi Arabia, and in none of these places did we have disturbed sleep because of air quality.

So you can imagine what will happen to the air quality in Tarrytown if the new and larger Bridge is built with a special lane for public transportation! And as Steiner points out, envision the years of construction! Most, if not all of us, are using (and avoiding) I-287 and are too familiar with the traffic jams, the noise and dirt of the everlasting construction and the hazardous air quality.

Question: We were recently in Boston where there’s a model public transportation system based on tunnels, not on bridges. Ostensibly, the concept of a tunnel has been dismissed because it’s too expensive. How come it wasn’t too expensive for Boston? Has Westchester suddenly become so poor?

I am hoping that more people in our community will wake up and begin a massive protest against those “deciders” presently in power. Something has to be done before, as Steiner puts it, “the decision is made for us.”

Dr. Patricia Stack

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About the Author: Dr. Patricia Stack