Late last month, the Briarcliff Manor/ Scarborough Historical Society unveiled “open for business” hours for their headquarters on the lower level of the newly expanded Briarcliff Library. During their annual meeting at the Mansion at Rosecliff, Tom Vincent, Co-President, said the Historical Center named for Eileen Weber will be open Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays from 11 am to 2 pm, through June 30th.
A special display, featuring local historic glass and bottles from a private collection will highlight the opening. It features Briarcliff Water Company and Briarcliff Dairy bottles, an original Mason jar with patent date inscribed, an ornate Gulden’s Mustard bottle and much more.
Fall events were also noted, starting with an early September celebration of Briarcliff Hook & Ladder Company’s 75th birthday and a cruise up the Hudson on October 9th. In anticipation of next year’s celebration of the Village’s 110th year, and Walter W. Law’s 175th birthday, the Society will publish an “Images of America” photo book, similar to those done by Ossining and Tarrytown. Plans are to solicit photos from residents for it this fall.
For more information on the Society’s events or to comment, visit their website at briarcliffhistory.org, call 941-4393, or email them at mail@briarcliffhistory.org.For additional photos pertaining to this story, visit RiverJournal’s Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/theriverjournal