There are many details that need to go into planning a content strategy, but you need to make sure that you have a good mix of different types of content in there. If you just have the same over and over, you are never going to engage your audience correctly. Do you choose dynamic content or static? We think you should always go with the former!
Catches Your Attention
Whether it is a video or just a piece of music, the right piece of dynamic content will always catch the attention of a customer, and it can do so far more rapidly than a piece of static content might. Sure, all of us have had a moment where a certain word has caught our eye and encouraged us to check out a piece of content. However, it is not quite the same as when we have had our attention caught by an interesting video or a great piece of music.
Dynamic content can capture the attention of your audience much faster than other types of content that you might want to use. Even with the most attention-grabbing headlines and article titles that you might want to use, you might still find that it is an accompanying video that helps to drive the click and the page view.
One of the best things about dynamic content is that it can take any form that you might need it to. There are so many different options out there when it comes to creating dynamic content, you should experiment and see which ones fit your brand.
With a platform like that offered by www.redbeemedia.com/services/ott/, you will have the freedom to really explore and try different things out. You might do better with short-form videos that might be no more than a minute in length. Perhaps you might prefer to make longer, documentary-style content? There will always be something to try, and you should choose the content that fits your style as a brand. Creating a cohesive connection between your content and your brand image is a must so that everything appears to be flexible and flows together nicely.
Don’t Neglect Your Static Content
While your dynamic content might produce better results overall, you need to make sure that you are also maintaining a good standard with your static content too. This could actually make up the majority of the content that you produce. After all, your site needs copy to fill it out.
You need to make sure that your static content is informative, engaging, and meets the standards that you have set for your brand. If you can do so, you will be to create a great platform that appeals to your customers on multiple levels. Though the dynamic content might be what catches the attention of your audience, it could be your static content that keeps them engaged. You might want to put more energy into creating high-quality dynamic content, but make sure that you aren’t neglecting your static content alongside this.
Look at your current content plans. How much of it is for static content, and how much of it will be for dynamic? Introducing dynamic content into your plans can be a great move. It is flexible, eye-catching, and can deliver results. It is always the better choice over static content, though you also should not be neglecting this area. A full and robust content strategy will help you to always meet your goals, whatever they might be! Reassess your content plans today!