The Federal Nuclear Regulatory Commission said That Indian Point would be transferred to Holtec for decommissioning

Assemblywoman Sandy Galef sent a letter to the Chairman of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), calling for a public meeting before a final decision is rendered in the license transfer proceedings for Indian Point Energy Center, situated in Buchanan, New York. The NRC told local government officials on an Indian Point annual assessment call on September 22, 2020, that Indian Point would be transferred to Holtec for decommissioning, despite the lack of a public hearing on such a transfer.
Assemblywoman Galef and other area leaders have requested a robust process of public engagement as Indian Point is set to begin the decommissioning process. In her letter to the NRC, Assemblywoman Galef attests that the NRC, responsible for regulating this process, has met this request with a lack of interest, and has failed to take seriously questions and concerns about Holtec from members of the community surrounding Indian Point. Galef writes that it is this community that will be most effected by a lack of rigorous oversight from the NRC.
Assemblywoman Galef said: “A public meeting to hear constituent concerns about Holtec International and the decommissioning process is necessary because Indian Point is in my constituency’s backyard. We must hear the views of the community members who live here and use these views to impact the decommissioning process, as these community members are the ones who will face the immediate effects of this nuclear closure and decommissioning project.”
There are MAJOR technical problems that present a significant danger to the residents. I will be requesting the NRC’s Inspector General (OIG), to investigate material false statements being made by both the NRC and Holtec.
One of these statements is that loss of integrity of the dry casks is “not credible” yet Holtec is proposing a repair methodology for compromised casks.
This is but one example of numerous deficiencies identified in the NRC’s Safety Analysis Report (SER) and other legal licensing documents.
Once the fuel is placed in the dry casks, there are no provisions to ever transport these casks to another location in violation of 10 CFR 72.122
My letter to the OIG will be made public early next week.